..: SelBuk.com - The Complete Mobile Solution to do Sales and Billing on the go :..

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      Borrando productos que no se usan

Si ha eliminado productos desde su dispositivo o en la versión web, SelBuk los conserva para que pueda usarlos más adelante. Aunque si no los necesita más, debe hacer lo siguiente en la versión web web.selbuk.com

Base de datos > Productos > Ver Editar


Ajustes > Productos Eliminados > Guardar


Selecione uno > Tocar papelera (se borran los que estan marcados)


Si necesita eliminarlos todos, haga clic en el ícono del menos y luego en la papelera para eliminar todos los elementos eliminados.

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SelBuk is the most complete application to increase your business revenue. Ability to have on hand * Product Catalog * Inventory * Coming or in-production units * Price List * Customers info & sales records * Providers information Abilty to: * Create/Send Quotes, Orders, Invoices * Generate multiple reports * Collect Payments * Manage expenses * Import/Export all data * Backup * Other tools Functionality * Quick search by code or name * Multiple price list structures * On sale and Discontinued products * Custom fields for additional specs * Tax percentage individually per product * Email quotes, orders, invoices in PDF * Multiple discount structures * Multiple payment terms * Take payments in diferent ways Reports * Inventory * Sales * Payments * Unpaid invoices * Tax Collected * Expenses Quick Search * Customers * Products * Quotes * Orders and/or invoices * Providers Customization * Login Access * Inventory * Products * Catalog * Currency format * Taxes * Discount structures * Orders * Custom quantities * Invoices * Sales reports * Inventory reports * Backup files * Restore Other Tools * Full backup and restore system * Custom backup * Sample file * Note pad * Wi-Fi Disk