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       Routes - Visits

The routes system allows to schedule each seller to make periodic visits to customers, track, assess results and take control when a seller should be replaced temporarily or permanently.


Schedule of visits

To schedule visits: Visit > Plus sign (+) on the upper menu > Select the customer. The screen will allow you to enter the information required to create one or more regular visits with intervals of time as daily, weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly.

Once programmed that customer you may do the same for others.


Multi access

If your Access Level allows you to see the others users you may do the same for other sellers. Each seller with own access level only cannot see customers or routes of other sellers.


Daily route

Each day when the salesperson opens the visits module, all customers to visit that day will show up sorted by time and it can be changed manually

The map will give the geo location to provide the best route found at that time and has the option to record the coordinates if the address does not match the location on the map.


States of visits

For a better follow-up SelBuk has visit status that allow both the salesperson and coordinator to track, including also the sale done. Vistis then can then be, Cancelled, Postponed, Checked In or Completed when ending the visit. At the time of making a sale or marking it completed the system will mark its coordinate automatically to deliver the report correctly.

  • Schedule is the first status when visits are created
  • Postpone will create a new visit with a different date and keep the old one for user’s records
  • Cancel will eliminate one specific visit, but not the other ones scheduled for future dates, to delete all scheduled visits for one specific customer, open the visit and hit “Delete Visit”
  • Check-In must be used when the user arrives to the customer location, the time will be stored in his record and once a sale or collected money has occurred it will switch from Checked-In to complete automatically. If the status remains as Checked-In at the end of the day, it will also switched to complete
  • Users can switch to Complete manually and the locations will be automatically stored for administrative purposes 



The report sections both Web (Dashboard > Reports > Routes) and iPad will show detail list of all visits and all sellers, among others, time, geo location and sales results for each one.


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SelBuk es la mas completa aplicación para incrementar los ingresos de su negocio. Capacidad de tener todo en la mano * Catalogo de Productos * Inventario * Control de productos en camino y las unidades de produccion * Lista de Precios * Informacion de Clientes y registros de compras * Informacion de proveedores Capacidad para: * Crear/Enviar Cotizaciones, Ordenes, Facturas * Generar multiples reportes * Cobrar los pagos * Administracion de gastos * Importar/Exportar todos los datos * Copia de seguridad * Otras herramientas Funcionalidad * Busqueda rapida por codigo o nombre * Multiples listas de estructuras de precios * Productos descontinuados y a la venta * Campos adicionales para informacion especifica * Porcentaje de impuesto individual por producto * Correos de Cotizaciones, Ordenes, Facturas en PDF * Multiples estructuras de descuento * Multiples terminos de pago * Diferentes opciones para pagos Reportes * Inventario * Ventas * Pagos * Facturas no pagas * Impuestos recaudados * Gastos Busquedas rapidas * Clientes * Productos * Cotizaciones * Ordenes y/o facturas * Proveedores Personalizacion * Acceso de entrada * Inventario * Productos * Catalogos * Formato de moneda * Impuestos * Estructuras de descuentos * Ordenes * Cantidades personalizadas * Facturas * Reporte de ventas * Reportes de Inventario * Archivos de Copia de Seguridad * Restauración Otras Herramientas * Copia de Seguridad completa y restauracion del sistema * Copia de Seguridad personalizada * Archivo de Ejemplo * Block de notas * Disco Wi-Fi