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      Promotions per purchased quantities

Besides regular discount forms, we also have the way offer additional products when purchasing certain quantities. For example buy 1 get another free, buy 2 get 1 free, etc. That can be defined as buy X get Y free, where X and Y can be any interger number.


Setting up an offer by quantity

From the iPad go to Products > Select the product that you want to offer. In the bottom section Promotion Item select the amount that you want to give away for each unit sold. If you want to offer 1 out of 3 you should enter in the box Buy 3 get 1 free


Mark products that are with any promotion

Products that have any type of discount can be marked so that they can be grouped when doing the sale. So from iPhone, iPad, or Web: Products > Select product > turn on the option in discount


When doing the sale

When making the order you may offer the products which are in discount by selecting the On sale.  New basket icon - select client - list of products. Once you are on the products menu touch the boxes then On sale to see the items that are on sale

 Result when selling

When doing sales, the total quantities should be entered to the basket. On this example you should enter 4 or multiples of 4 so that the full promotion is applied. The offer will be reflected in the total price charged. If each product is sold at 85.00, selling 4 the total amount will be 255 and the saving 85.0 per the item that is free. Thought the inventory will reflect 4 off of it.

when the order is done you will see this. Touch the send bottom to view the PDF

and the PDF woudl be like this

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SelBuk es la mas completa aplicación para incrementar los ingresos de su negocio. Capacidad de tener todo en la mano * Catalogo de Productos * Inventario * Control de productos en camino y las unidades de produccion * Lista de Precios * Informacion de Clientes y registros de compras * Informacion de proveedores Capacidad para: * Crear/Enviar Cotizaciones, Ordenes, Facturas * Generar multiples reportes * Cobrar los pagos * Administracion de gastos * Importar/Exportar todos los datos * Copia de seguridad * Otras herramientas Funcionalidad * Busqueda rapida por codigo o nombre * Multiples listas de estructuras de precios * Productos descontinuados y a la venta * Campos adicionales para informacion especifica * Porcentaje de impuesto individual por producto * Correos de Cotizaciones, Ordenes, Facturas en PDF * Multiples estructuras de descuento * Multiples terminos de pago * Diferentes opciones para pagos Reportes * Inventario * Ventas * Pagos * Facturas no pagas * Impuestos recaudados * Gastos Busquedas rapidas * Clientes * Productos * Cotizaciones * Ordenes y/o facturas * Proveedores Personalizacion * Acceso de entrada * Inventario * Productos * Catalogos * Formato de moneda * Impuestos * Estructuras de descuentos * Ordenes * Cantidades personalizadas * Facturas * Reporte de ventas * Reportes de Inventario * Archivos de Copia de Seguridad * Restauración Otras Herramientas * Copia de Seguridad completa y restauracion del sistema * Copia de Seguridad personalizada * Archivo de Ejemplo * Block de notas * Disco Wi-Fi