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      Restore as new

if you need to erase the whole data on your account and start all over again, you may do so at the web version from Settings > Restore > Restore as new 

Keep in mind that two things can then happen:

  1. If you re-start from web by entering new information, the mobile devices will receive the new information by replacing it with the data they have at the time when synchronizing.

  2. If you do not do anything else on the web after you run the restore as new, the first mobile device that synchronizes will upload the information to the web and will leave it as re-start so that the other mobile users download that information when synchronizing.


Settings > Restore > Restore as new 


Restore > Press button Restore as new > Ok 


When the infomation is erased, SelBuk will create a backup. You may see that at 

File > Restore backup > From Cloud Server 


Restore backups > From Cloud server


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