How to load Products using CSV files Back
If you need to load a large amount of products into the SelBuk system, the best way to do it is by using our tool from > File > SCV options.
Please follow this rules and steps to do it the right way:
- Open the attached file and use it as a template.
- Once you understand each column of the sample, you can proceed to delete all rows except the first one as it the direct relation with the database. You can type in every line or copy from other file.
- Paste column by column not all at a time and only the ones you need.
- If you are going to copy from other file, do not paste all as a rich text, please use the mouse right click button and use the "Paste Special / Unicode Text" mode to avoid other character not seeing to be added to the database.
- As "," is the separator character do no include "," in any ways, if you feel that a "," can be anywhere use the "Edit / Replace" option to replace all "," by " " (spaces).
- The very last column must include the text "eol" (end of line) on every row, without it a file cannot be uploaded at all.