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      Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

When and how to update? Back

    Updates are constantly done to offer new options to improve current procedures, to correct mistakes, and to be up to date with the changes made on operating systems. That is why it is so important to have the latest version. Before you do synchronization, it is useful to know the following:

  • Apple notifies each user from App Store, when there is a new version to update

  • In the list of new things shown by iTunes about our application, we do not list all of them, but just the most important. Each user may see if it is appropriate or not to do so based on that list.

  • If you have the Cloud Service, it is important that before updating synchronize with the server. That way if there is any trouble, everything is saved at the server. If you do not have the Cloud Service, you have to make a new backup copy and saved it in your computer.

    In some cases, once a device is synchronized with the new version, all the other ones should be updated in order to synchronize with the server otherwise the server will not be able to synchronize until you upgraded. Those cases are also posted by us in the news shown by iTunes.



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